Thursday, July 1, 2010

3 Days Before Camp

Camp is almost here and this year feels very different than the previous three years. It’s more calm. It’s less stressful. There are still a ton of details to be ironed out and it has been a full week, but I’m not at the end of my rope. It might be because we got an earlier start on things this year, or maybe that we’ve been more intentional about delegating projects and that people are so willing to pitch in, or that this leadership team has been together for almost two years and has been able to develop a higher level of trust. Or, could it be that after three years of living through absolute chaos the two weeks before camp I am finally learning how to trust in God? Trust that he is going to show up and do things only he can. Trust that if I don’t dot every last i and cross every last t that camp is not going to crash and burn. The former are valid to be sure – things that come with experience and time and make planning for camp smoother. The latter though is more telling of my spiritual journey over the last few years – of which RFKC has played no small part. I am so thankful that God is faithful and patient and full of grace. And that he loves overlooked and unseen kids and chooses to use me to care for them. And I can’t wait to see what he does in the lives of 24 kids and 35 adults up at camp this year.


Dean of Men

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