Monday, July 5, 2010

Morning Coffee

One of my favorite traditions from RFKC, is waking up early and having my coffee next to several staff members as we do planning, devotionals, journaling, and general reflection. This morning, none of my compatriots have joined me (where are you Grandma Mobeck?), thus I find myself looking at Pike’s Peak in the wake of an amazing Fourth of July lightning storm and both looking back to last year’s camp, and inherently, looking forward to the arrival of campers this morning.

At this point, without knowing the campers (other than the 8 – 9 returning kids from last year that I knew), I have spent the morning looking at the staff and counselors. The group that has assembled to provide these kids with a week of love and God’s grace beg a very simple question of me: can I step up to the level of caring, patience, and leadership that is required of me? This group of individuals humbles me, and makes me honored to work with them. Some I have known for less than 24 hours, and others since camp last year. Everyone’s gift of industry, selflessness, and positivity pose a challenge to me to become the best I can be. And yet the answer to my question, “ can I be what these kids need me to be?”, is clear: no. No, I can’t do this.

Not alone, at least. The feeling that has sustained me since camp last year, that has literally made the last year one of significant growth, is that my gifts lie not in me, but in God working through me. 22 campers stretch your limits, indeed push you beyond those limits. Their pain becomes yours, and you are left hurting and tired. And then you feel this moment, where the grace that has been given to you, is no longer a one-way gift. It’s no longer just given to you, and then ends. You become the means by which others see it. You are no longer a reciever, but a giver of His grace.

That I can be a part of that, be in the midst of that, is truly humbling beyond all words. With all my rough edges and issues, I am unbelievably blessed to be here right now. My prayer this morning is that I can live up to the needs of these young children, the standards of my fellow staff and counselors, and the gift that God has placed before me.

And, though I smilingly already know the answer to that prayer, I encourage you to pray that with us this week.

Bas Wolf

Camp Coach


  1. bas... gary here... the music guy from last year.

    you guys are on my heart and mind. wish i was there.

    pass my love and prayers on to all.


  2. I most certainly will. Your presence is very missed around here. thanks for the support, and hope all is well.
