Monday, July 5, 2010

criss-crossed key chains

Day One....

Mixed emotions stir before the bus arrives. There are no thoughts about it being an easy week, but there is a deep satisfaction and reassuring peace. It will be a GOOD week. I am a returning councilor, not such a noobie (I know its a gamer term but I find it appropriate).

The bus rolls into the dirt lot, the very back window opens, and a camper I had in my room last year shouts my name in excitement. A big smile comes over my face as I shout his name back in return. Yes, this week is worth it, it is a week these kids cherish and a memory they hold onto for more weeks than any adult could fathom. He comes of the bus and we embrace in the RFKC safe "side hug". I truly feel blessed to have this child in my room again. I have another opportunity to speak into his life, to share Gods love with him. I hope I bond with the other children in my room as well as I have bonded with my returning camper.

Within the first hour it becomes overly clear that we have 3 type A, dominant boys in our room. Only later on my first break do I realize that both Matt and I are not dominant. It it is time to do my best Alpha male impression to prevent from being over run by 9 and 10 year olds.

During arts and crafts we made nylon criss-crossed key chains, and as I have
been writing this blog I realize how intertwined everything is. God, councilors, staff, and campers interwoven together to form a family. It is an eternal family, and I think that is so amazing how tangible a family really is. So Nate needs the computer so I leave you with a few of my favorite kid quotes of the day.

"This monkey is going psycho, he's so happy he's at Royal Family Kids Camp."

"Skateboarding is the best feeling, besides being wrapped up in God's arms."


1 comment:

  1. Hey guys!! We're definitely praying for you and thinking about you a ton!! Wish we were there, enjoying the blog.
    Kelley and Brian
